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Sliding Scale and Fulfilling Business


As a spiritual business owner, I have been looking for a way to offer my services that is aligned with who I am, and also ensures that I am getting paid for the time and effort that I give my clients.

Implementing a sliding scale model has been pulling at my heart for a while and I decided it is finally time to make the leap and re-structure in a way that feels good.

As a consumer, I have used the sliding scale model before and it has helped me make empowered decisions around my money, what it is being used for, and more. In my journey to heal my own money mindset, using a sliding scale model makes sense to me because the awkwardness talking about money has to go right out the door almost immediately. As a service provider, this helps me heal my own money mindset, and it helps my clients make more empowered decisions regarding their money. I do this with my 1:1 container and some specific materials for my business to be accessible. For inner child work, it feels best to me to offer this in a different way because everyone's journey is different and I feel like this is the container I would have wanted for my journey.

Money is just an energy exchange. I have always wondered if the price on that energy exchange really matters. My job as the provider in a sliding scale business model is to hold loving and firm boundaries with all of my clients, no matter what. I want to use this model to make my clients feel empowered during their money decisions.

This is healing for me by offering this structure. I feel like I have been all over the map with my own money mindset and some of the most empowering transactions for me where one where I was actively contributing to the choice of payment. One of the most healing things for me is being super informed and supported in WHATEVER money decision I make. Just knowing that it is safe to invest and safe to receive. Even if the most tangible results AREN'T from a financial standpoint.

There are not a lot of resources out there regarding HOW to implement a sliding scale business model and I still am figuring it out. One of the best resources that I have been able to find is How to Make the Sliding Scale Better for You and Your Clients by Worts and Cunning ( They also have a blog over The Sliding Scale: A Tool for Economic Justice, (

I have referenced both of these for creating my own structure.

Some things to note about sliding scale before moving forward:

-The definition of a sliding scale business model is allowing there to be multiple price points for services based on the circumstance of the consumer. I will not ask you for anything, this is completely based out of trust. It is safe for me to receive and it is safe for you to invest as well.

-There are managed and unmanaged sliding scales. Managed sliding scales feature a certain number of tickets at each level, while an unmanaged sliding scale is free use of the scale at the discretion of the consumer. At the moment I will be offering an unmanaged sliding scale for my 1:1 container, with the full transparency that we will be discussing the price and I encourage all of my clients to come to the consultation after referring to the PDF I send them. I trust you to make the right choice for where you are if you decide to move forward with or without the container.

-Sliding scale models are operated on the idea that the highest price of the scale is the ACTUAL cost for the service. This is to be transparent and help you more accurately make a decision of what is realistic for you and your position. I want your decision to be based in trust and not guilt. The base guideline for me is making what is needed to operate at the minimal cost to ensure my well-being.

How to Determine Where you Fall on the Sliding Scale Model

Something that I have had a hard time with, and I know others struggle with is paying a lower cost on the sliding scale because it feels stressful to be offered a service at what seems like a discount already. Understanding that it is safe to receive and practice good money boundary setting for both my clients and myself.

Understanding how the sliding scale is supposed to be used in terms of your own income and financial standing helps me hold space for you and create the boundaries you need for yourself before heading into a consultation call. Or before purchasing a product. Or before receiving a service. The more comfortable you are with your own finances, the easier this will be for you.

Disclaimer: It has taken me a long time to be comfortable with a sliding scale, but it has been really amazing to lean into getting THAT comfortable with my finances, even though I am still in the process.

This graphic from Worts and Cunning is a great example of how you can self-identify your price point being on the sliding scale.

I wish that this graphic was as inclusive and perfect for every possibility and situation out there, but it isn't. Life rarely isn't this simple, but this is a good guideline for you to get started and figure out what feels safe to invest.

Establiss Co and Sliding Scale

My business is going to be a combination of sliding scale offers, regular offers, and pay what you can offers.

My sliding scale and pay what you can offers are available for my Inner Child containers. I offer a certain number of spots every month on my sliding scale. As long as my cup is being filled and those spots remain full I will begin taking on to start, one pay what you can client.

For my method of pay what you can, I consider this to be donation based and will not ask any questions about what you decide to invest. A consultation call is required before claiming this spot.

The rest of my copywriting and business offers will be charged at my normal rate. I will not offer discounts on my copywriting and business services unless I specifically am running a promotion. These spots will also be available on a monthly basis.

All offers qualify for payment plans and creating a structure that allows you to invest in a way that is not overwhelming.

Click here for the PDF version of my prices and using the sliding scale.

Establiss Co. Services:

Inner Child Healing

Inner Child 1:1 Container:


Becoming- Inner Child Workbook: (COMING SOON)


Emergence: Group Program (COMING SOON)

Copywriting and Business Strategy

FLOW: Self-Guided Journey- Inner Child, Inclusivity, Business, and Writing


Inclusive Business Audit: (Includes Copywriting Audits over chosen materials)

$157 for 1 Hour Session

$227 for 2 Hour Session

1:1 Copywriting and Business Clients-

$27 an hour or monthly packages available


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